English Glossary and List of Acronyms
This page lists English terms in the area of energy, briefly explains them and gives the German translation with a link to a German encyclopedia article. At the bottom, you also find a list of acronyms.
(Diese Seite listet englische Fachbegriffe auf, erklärt sie kurz, gibt ihre deutsche Übersetzung und verweist auf deutsche Lexikonartikel. Unten finden Sie ebenfalls eine Liste von Akronymen.)
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There is also a German glossary of energy terms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
absorption heat pump: a heat pump which is driven by high-temperature heat instead of a mechanical drive → Absorptionswärmepumpe
adsorption heat pump: a heat pump based on adsorption and desorption → Adsorptionswärmepumpe
accumulator: a rechargeable battery → Akkumulator
air conditioner: a machine which can create comfortable air condition in a room by cooling and possibly dehydration → Klimaanlage
air dehumidifier: a device which decreases humidity of the air in a room → Luftentfeuchter
air exhange rate: the ratio of added fresh air volume per hour to the air volume of a room → Luftwechselrate
air drag: a friction force which occurs when a body is moved through air → Luftwiderstand
air humidifier: a device which increases humidity of the air in a room → Luftbefeuchter
air pollutants: substances in air which are not naturally there and have adverse effects → Luftschadstoffe
air pollution: the contamination of air with pollutants → Luftverschmutzung
air-to-air heat pump: a heat pump which transfers heat from air to air → Luft/Luft-Wärmepumpe
air-to-water heat pump: a heat pump which transfers heat from air to water → Luft/Wasser-Wärmepumpe
alternating current: an electric current which oscillates → Wechselstrom
alternator: an eletrical generator in a vehicle → Lichtmaschine
ammonia: a toxic substance with substantial importance for various fields of technology → Ammoniak
ampere: the basic unit of the electric current → Ampere
ampere hour: a unit for electrical charges → Amperestunde
anergy: energy which can not do work → Anergie
anergy network: a network delivering heat low temperatures → Anergienetz
annual efficiency: the ratio of generated useful energy to consumed energy in fuels → Jahresnutzungsgrad
annual load duration: a curve which shows the at least delivered or consumed electrical power as a function of the duration within a year → Jahresdauerlinie
annual peak load = the maximum power during one year → Jahreshöchstlast
anti-knock properties: the potential of a fuel to avoid problems with uncontrolled ignition → Klopffestigkeit
apparent power: the product of the effective values of voltage and current → Scheinleistung
atomic energy: energy from nuclear process → Atomenergie or Kernenergie
automatic engine shut-off: automatic switching off of the engine of a car → Start-Stopp-Automatik
auxiliary power: power required by internal machines in a power station → Eigenbedarf
aviation petrol: petrol for small airplanes → Flugbenzin
Atkinson engine: a modified Otto engine with higher efficiency → Atkinson-Motor
back to back converter: a device for transferring power between two AC networks → Gleichstromkurzkupplung
balance energy: energy for compensating unforeseen deviations of electricity generation and/or consumption in some region → Ausgleichsenergie
balancing services: services which are required for stable operation of electricity grids → Systemdienstleistungen
ballast: a device for limiting an operation current, e.g. for a fluorescent lamp → Drosselspule
barrel: the usual units for quantities of crude oil → Barrel
base load: the part of electrical power consumption which always occurs → Grundlast
baseload delivery: delivery of energy with a constant power over a longer period → Bandlieferung
battery: an electrochemical devices providing electric energy → Batterie
battery charger: a device for recharging accumulators → Ladegerät
benzene: a simple hydrocarbon → Benzol
binding energy: the energy required to separate e.g. a molecule into single atoms → Bindungsenergie
biodiesel: a diesel fuel (or substitute for it) made from biomass → Biodiesel
bioenergy crops: plants which are grown in order to harvest energy → Energiepflanzen
bioethanol: ethanol alcohole made from biomass → Bioethanol
bioethanol furnace: a furnace using bioethanol as fuel → Bioethanolofen
biohydrogen: hydrogen gas made from dead biomass or using living biomass → Biowasserstoff
biomass: renewable materials of biological origin, which is often used for energy generation → Biomasse
biomass fuel: fuel produced from biomass → Biokraftstoff
biomass gasification: the production of combustible gases from biomass → Biomassevergasung
biomethane: methane (CH4) with the quality of natural gas, made from biomass → Biomethan
bivalent or monovalent machines: machines which can use two (bivalent) or only one (bivalent) component or fuel e.g. for generating heat → bivalente und monovalente Anlagen
black start: the start of a power station without support from the electricity grid → Schwarzstart
blackout: a power failure → Stromausfall
block heat and power plant: a modular power station for combined heat and power generation: Blockheizkraftwerk
blow-in insulation: an insulation which is made by blowing some material into a cavity → Einblasdämmung
blower: a device for moving air against a low pressure → Ventilator
blower door test: a measurement of the airtightness of a building → Blower-Door-Test
boiler: a combustion device used e.g. for a central heating system → Heizkessel, or a device for generating steam → Dampfkessel
bottleneck capacity: the maximum power which an electric power generation facility can provide → Engpassleistung
breeder reactor: a nuclear reactor in which new nuclear fuel is breeded by irridation of other substances → Brutreaktor
brine-to-water heat pump: a heat pump using a brine for heat transport → Sole/Wasser-Wärmepumpe
British Thermal Unit (BTU): a unit for amounts of energy → British Thermal Unit
building physics: physics with relevance for buildings → Bauphysik
burn-off: burning of waste materials without using the heat → Abfackelung
burnable gas → Brenngas
burner: a device for combusting a fuel O Brenner
burning point: the minimum temperatur where a substances can be set to fire → Flammpunkt
butane: a carbon hydrate gas → Butan
caloric value: the amount of heat which can be produced from some fuel → Heizwert
caloric value boiler: a boiler which condenses water vapour in the exhaust gas in order to utilize the upper heating value → Brennwertkessel
capacitor: a device for electrical energy storage → Kondensator
capacity of a battery: the electric charge or energy which it can supply → Kapazität einer Batterie
carbon bubble: a speculative bubble in the context of fossile energy → Kohlenstoffblase
carbon dioxide: a gas with global warming potential, which is created in many combustion processes → Kohlendioxid
carbon hydrates: substances consisting only of carbon and hydrogen atoms → Kohlenwasserstoffe
carbon monoxide: a poisonous gas, which can be created in combustion processes → Kohlenmonoxid
carburator: a device for mixing fuel and air for an Otto engine → Vergaser
Carnot efficiency: the theoretical upper bound for the efficiency of a heat engine → Carnot-Wirkungsgrad
catalytic converter: a device for removing certain substances from exhaust gases → Abgaskatalysator
cealing heating: a heating system installed in the ceiling of a room → Deckenheizung
central heating system: a central system for heating a building → Zentralheizung
central-heating boiler: a boiler used for a central heating system → Heizkessel
charger: a device for recharging accumulators → Ladegerät
charging of electric cars → Laden von Elektroautos
chemical energy: energy which is stored in chemical form and can be released in chemical reactions → chemische Energie
chemical energy storage: storing energy in chemical substances → chemische Energiespeicherung
chiller: a machine for cooling → Kältemaschine
chimney: a high-temperature resistant facility for guiding exhaust gases → Schornstein
choke: an inductor coil, used in certain electrical circuits → Drosselspule
circulation pump: a pump which circulates the water in a central heating system → Heizungs-Umwälzpumpe
city gas: a combustible gas, which is normally generated by gasification of coal → Stadtgas
Clausius Rankine cycle: a thermodynamic cycle describing the basic operation principle of steam turbines → Clausius-Rankine-Kreisprozess
clean energy: usable energy which can be provided and used without special environmental hazards → saubere Energie
climate engineering: the use of large-scale technical means for influencing the climate → Climate Engineering
climate hazards: hazards arising from global climate change → Klimagefahren
climate hysteria: an allegedly hysterical reaction to climate change → Klimahysterie
climate-neutral: without impact on the global climate → klimaneutral
climate protection: measures for reducing climate hazards → Klimaschutz
CO2 abatement cost: the cost to avoid CO2 emissions → CO2-Vermeidungskosten
CO2 budget: the maximum amount of carbon dioxide, which can be emitted from a certain time on such that a certain CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is not exceeded → CO2-Budget
CO2 compensation: the compensation of CO2 emissions with measures at other places → CO2-Kompensation
CO2 equivalents: a measure for the climate impact of a substance or activity → CO2-Äquivalente
CO2-free: not causing CO2 emissions → CO2-frei
CO2 pricing: methods for increasing the cost of CO2 emissions in the interest of climate protection → CO2-Bepreisung
co-firing: the common combustion of different materials, e.g. of wood together with coal → Mitverbrennung
co-generation: combined generation of power and heat → Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
co-generation power station: a power station which is also delivering useful heat → Heizkraftwerk
coal: a solid fossil energy carrier, created by carbonization of biomass over long times → Kohle
coal equivalent → Steinkohleeinheit
coal gasification: a process to produce combustible gases from coal → Kohlevergasung
coal liquefaction: a process to produce liquid fuels from coal → Kohleverflüssigung
coal phase-out: abandoning the use of coal for energy generation → Kohleausstieg
coal power station: a power station using energy of coal → Kohlekraftwerk
coefficient of heat transmission: a measure for the tendency of a structure to cause heat losses → Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient
coefficient of performance → Leistungszahl einer Wärmepumpe; Wärmeverhältnis einer Kältemaschine
cold reserve: power plants, which are normally not operated, but are available in case of shortages → Kaltreserve
cold start: the start of an engine in a cold state → Kaltstart
combined cycle power station: a power station using a combination of a gas turbine and a steam turbine → Gas-und-Dampf-Kombikraftwerk
combustion: a chemical reaction between a fuel and air or oxygen → Verbrennung
combustion-air ratio: the ratio of actual and stoichimetric quantities of air in a combustion process → Verbrennungsluftverhältnis
combustion motor: a motor which is powered by combustion of a fuel → Verbrennungsmotor
combustion point: the minimum temperature for igniting a permanent flame → Brennpunkt
communal heating power station: a modular power station for combined heat and power generation → Blockheizkraftwerk
compressed air energy storage: energy storage based on compressed air → Druckluftspeicherkraftwerk
compression heat pump: a heat pump based on compression and expansion of a medium → Kompressionswärmepumpe
condensation heat: the amount of heat which is released when a gas is condensed → Verdampfungswärme und Kondensationswärme
condenser: a device for electrical energy storage, or for condensing a gas → Kondensator
condensing boiler: a boiler which condenses water vapour in the exhaust gas in order to utilize the upper heating value → Brennwertkessel
connected rating: the maximum power which a device may use → Anschlussleistung
constant temperature boiler: a boiler operating with an approximately constant (and normally high) temperature → Konstanttemperaturheizkessel
control reserve: a reserve of power generation (or consumption) capacities for compensating fluctuations in power generation and demand → Regelenergie
convection: recirculation of a gas or liquid, often driven by temperature differences → Konvektion
converter: a facility which can convert electrical energy from one form to another → Umformer
cooling: removing heat from a body → Kälte
cooling capacity: the amount of heat per unit time which can be removed by a cooling device → Kälteleistung
cooling tower: a large installation to dissipate waste heat → Kühlturm
customer generation: the generation of electrical energy with own installations → Eigenerzeugung
cycle recognition: the automatic recognition of a test drive cycle by an electronic control unit of a vehicle → Zykluserkennung
cycle stretchout: the continued operation of a nuclear reactor with used-up nuclear fuel → Streckbetrieb
cyclic operation: reduced average power operation of a device by switching it on and off → Taktbetrieb
cylinder cut-off: the temporary disabling of one certain cylinders of an engine under conditions of low power demand → Zylinderabschaltung
daily temperature figure: a measure for the climate conditions at the place of a building, which influences the amount of energy required for heating → Gradtagszahl
daylight lamp: a lamp, the optical spectrum of which closely matches that of daylight → Tageslichtlampe
decarbonization: the change of our energy supply system such that less carbon is turned over
decentralized combined heat and power station: a modular power station for combined heat and power generation → Blockheizkraftwerk
decentralized energy generation: energy generation in small, distributed engines → dezentrale Energieerzeugung
deep energy retrofit: improvements done to existing buildings in order to reduce the energy consumption → energetische Sanierung von Gebäuden
deep geothermal energy: the use of geothermal energy from high depth → tiefe Geothermie
defeat devices in the exhaust gas treatment: devices which deactivate the exhaust gas treatment e.g. in a car → Abschalteinrichtung bei der Abgasreinigung
dehumidifier: a device which decreases humidity of the air in a room → Luftentfeuchter
delta connection: a way of connecting equipment to a three-phase current system → Dreieckschaltung
demand charge: a price which depends on the maximum required power → Leistungspreis
demand side management: measures for adapting the consumption to the free generation capacities in an electricity network → Lastmanagement
dew point: the temperature to which air would have to be cooled in order to start condensation of water → Taupunkt
direct current: an electric current which always flows in the same direction → Gleichstrom
diesel-electric drive: a drive system with a diesel engine, an electrical generator and electric motor → dieselelektrischer Antrieb
diesel engine: a combustion engine with inner combustion and self-ignition
diesel fuel: a liquid fuel for use in diesel engines → Dieselkraftstoff
dimmer: a device for regulating the brightness of lamps → Dimmer
direct evaporation and condensation: an energy-saving technique for heat pumps and chillers → Direktverdampfung und Direktkondensation
dishwasher: a machine which can wash dishes → Geschirrspülmaschine
dissipation: a process where a regular movement is converted into irregular movement → Dissipation
distortion reactive power: reactive power caused by nonlinear distortions of the current → Verzerrungsblindleistung
distribution network: a network for distributing electricity or natural gas → Verteilungsnetz
distribution network operator: the operator of a distribution network → Verteilungsnetzbetreiber
double layer brick wall: a brick wall consisting of two layers with a cavity in between → Zweischalenmauerwerk
downsizing of engines: the reduction of size of engines, frequently without a loss of output power → Downsizing von Verbrennungsmotoren
drive cycle recognition: the automatic recognition of a test drive cycle by an electronic control unit of a vehicle → Zykluserkennung
driving resistance: the sum of all forces which need to be overcome to move a vehicle → Fahrwiderstand
drop-in fuel: a fuel which can directly replace conventional fuels → Drop-in-Kraftstoff
dump gas: combustible gas which is released from organic waste in landfills → Deponiegas
earth leakage circuit breaker: a safety device for preventing deadly electric shocks → Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter
earth tube collector: a heat exchanger with contact to earth → Erdregister
economiser: a component for increasing the energy efficiency, e.g. in steam turbine power station → Economiser
effective voltage or current: the square root of the mean squared voltage or current → Effektivwert von Spannung und Stromstärke
efficiency factor: the fraction of input energy which is obtained in the desired form → Wirkungsgrad
electric boiler: a boiler heated with electricity → Elektroboiler
electric car: a car with an electric drive → Elektroauto
electric current: the transported electric charge per unit time → elektrische Stromstärke
electric generator: a machine which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy → Generator
electric heat: heat generated from electrical energy → Elektrowärme
electric heat pump: a heat pump driven with an electric motor → Elektrowärmepumpe
electric heating: a heating system directly using electric energy → Elektroheizung
electric heating rod: a rod-shaped electric heater device → Elektroheizstab
electric mobility: locomotion based on electricity → Elektromobilität
electric motor: a motor working with electrical energy → Elektromotor
electric thermal storage heating: an electric heating system containing a thermal storage → Elektrospeicherheizung
electric voltage: the electric energy per unit charge → elektrische Spannung
electrical energy: energy which is supplied or stored based on electricity → elektrische Energie
electrical energy gap: a shortage of electricity → Stromlücke
electrical supply company: a company supplying electrical energy: Energieversorgungsunternehmen
electricity bill: a bill for electrical energy → Stromrechnung
electricity grid: a network of power lines for distribution of electrical energy → Stromnetz
electricity market: a market for electrical energy → Strommarkt
electricity meter: a device for measuring consumed amounts of electrical energy → Stromzähler
electricity mix: the composition of sources of electrical energy → Strommix
electricity network charges: charges covering the cost of building, maintaining and operating electricity networks → Netznutzungsentgelt
electricity price: a price for electrical energy → Strompreis
electricity tariff: a set of rules for calculating the price of electrical energy → Stromtarif
electrification: utilization of electricity for certain purposes → Elektrifizierung
electrode boiler: a device for electric heating of water → Elektrodenkessel
electrolysis: an electrochemical process where chemical processes are driven by electrical energy → Elektrolyse
electron volt: an energy unit which is common in physics → Elektronenvolt
electronic ballast: an electronic device for operating fluorescent lamps → elektronisches Vorschaltgerät
embodied energy: energy which is required for producing certain goods → graue Energie
emergency power supply: equipment for providing electrical energy in emergencies → Notstromversorgung
emission trading: trading with emission certificates as part of cap & trade system → Emissionshandel
emissions: the release of pollutants or other disturbing substances or radiation → Emissionen und Immissionen
emissivity: a measure for the tendency of a material to exchange energy via thermal radiation → Emissionsgrad
endothermic reaction: a chemical reaction which consumes heat → endotherme Reaktion
energy: a concept of physics related to the ability to do work → Energie
energy autarky: providing energy without external dependencies → Energieautarkie
energy balance of a building: a summarized consideration of energy flows, often of heat flows → Energiebilanz eines Gebäudes
energy carrier: a substance or medium with which energy can be stored and transported
energy conservation: the principle that energy cannot disappear or come from nothing → Energieerhaltung
energy consumption: the turnover of energy or consumption of energy carriers → Energieverbrauch
energy contracting: contracts for energy services → Energie-Contracting
energy density: the energy per volume or mass unit → Energiedichte
energy degradation: the loss of usable energy → Energieentwertung
energy efficiency: efficiency in the conversion or utilization of energy → Energieeffizienz
energy efficiency ratio: a measure for the energy efficiency of a cooling device → Energy Efficiency Ratio
energy-efficient house → Niedrigenergiehaus
energy generation: the generation of energy in a particular form → Energieerzeugung
energy labeling: using labels for indicating the energy consumption or efficiency of devices → Energieverbrauchskennzeichnung
energy monitor: a device for measuring energy consumption → Energiemonitor
energy-only market → Energy-only-Markt
energy payback period: the operation time which a renewable energy facility requires to deliver as much energy as has been required to construct it → energetische Amortisationszeit
energy performance certificate for buildings: a document which assesses the energy efficiency performance of a building → Gebäudeenergieausweis
energy policy: political activities related to energy questions → Energiepolitik
energy poverty: a lack of energy which means that essential needs cannot be fulfilled → Energiearmut
energy productivity: a measure for the energy efficiency of an economy → Energieproduktivität
energy rate: a cost per consumed kilowatt hour → Arbeitspreis
energy revolution: the realization of a sustainable energy system → Energiewende
energy saving: activities which reduce the energy consumption → Energiesparen
energy-saving lamp: a compact lamp with reduced electricity consumption → Energiesparlampe
energy-saving mode: a mode of device where the energy consumption is reduced → Energiesparmodus
energy-saving paint: a paint which promises to reduce heat losses → Energiesparfarbe
energy service: a service which is intimately related to energy consumption → Energiedienstleistung
energy storage: a device or facility which can accept energy and release it later on → Energiespeicher
energy tax: a tax on energy carriers → Energiesteuer
engine: a machine e.g. for propelling an airplane → Triebwerk
engine break: the use of an engine for braking → Motorbremse
engine idling: operating an engine without power generation → Leerlauf
enthalpy: a measure for the energy of a thermodynamic system or the energy turnover of a process, which takes into account the ambient pressure → Enthalpie
entropy: a quantity in thermodynamics which is related to disorder of a system → Entropie
equipment (in electrical technology): an object which is used for generating, transporting, storing or applying electrical energy → Betriebsmittel
Ericsson engine: a hot air engine somewhat similar to the Stirling engine → Ericssonmotor
ethanol: the most common form of alcohol → Ethanol
European electricity network system: the central European system of interconnected electricity networks → europäisches Verbundsystem
evaporation heat: the amount of heat required to evaporate a liquid → Verdampfungswärme und Kondensationswärme
evaporative emissions: emissions e.g. of hydrocarbons by unwanted evaporation of fuels → Verdunstungsemissionen
evaporator: a device for evaporating some fluid → Verdampfer
exergy: energy in high-quality form, suitable for doing work → Exergie
exhaust air heat pump: a heat pump which obtains heat from exhaust air → Abluftwärmepumpe
exhaust duct: a duct for guiding exhaust gases → Abgasleitung
exhaust gas: a gas (normally a product of combustion) which is no longer usable → Abgas
exhaust gas loss: the energy loss via exhaust gases → Abgasverlust
exhaust gas quality: a qualitative measure for poisoneous contents in exhaust gases → Abgasqualität
exhaust gas temperature: the temperature of exhaust gas → Abgastemperatur
exhaust recuperation: the recirculation of exhaust gas in a combustion process → Abgasrückführung
exothermic reaction: a chemical reaction which releases heat → exotherme Reaktion
external cost: negative effects e.g. of energy use which is not contained in the paid prices → externe Kosten
fan: a device for moving air against a low pressure → Ventilator
fan heater: a heater device containing a fan → Heizlüfter
fault current protection switch: a safety device for preventing deadly electric shocks → Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter
feed-in management: the management of the generation of electrical energy for the power grid → Einspeisemanagement
feed-in tariff: the financial return for energy fed into the power grid → Einspeisevergütung
Ferranti effect: the occurrence of over-voltages due to blind current effects in transmission lines → Ferranti-Effekt
final energy: energy in the form in which it arrives at the consumer → Endenergie
firewood → Holz
flameless oxidation: an oxidation process with exhaust gas recirculation, where no visible flame occurs → flammenlose Oxidation
flashing point: the minimum temperatur where a substances can be set to fire → Flammpunkt
fleet consumption: the average fuel consumption of a vehicle fleet → Flottenverbrauch
floor heating: a heating system which heats the floor → Fußbodenheizung
flow heater: a device which heats water while it is flowing through → Durchlauferhitzer
flow temperature: the temperature of hot water supplied in a central heating system → Vorlauftemperatur
flue: a high-temperature resistant facility for guiding exhaust gases → Schornstein
fluorescent lamp: a lamp where a fluorescent layer is excited by ultraviolet radiation from a gas discharge → Leuchtstofflampe
fluorocarbons or fluorinated hydrocarbons: substances obtained by partly or fully replacing hydrogen with fluorine in hydrocarbons → Fluorkohlenwasserstoffe
flywheel generator: a mechanical energy storage device based on one or several flywheels → Schwungradspeicher
force: energy per unit distance → Kraft
fossil energy carrier: chemical energy carriers which have been formed from dead biomass over a long time → fossile Energieträger
four-stroke engine: an internal combustion engine where one combustion cycle has four strokes → Viertaktmotor
four-wire system: an electric transmission system using four active conductors → Dreileiter- und Vierleiternetz
fracking: a method for increasing the permeability of underground rock → Fracking
free cooling: methods of cooling with a very low energy consumption → free cooling
free ventilation: methods of ventilation which do not require ventilators → natürliche Lüftung
frequency control in transmission networks: the control of the AC frequency in electric transmission networks → Frequenzregelung im Stromnetz
fresh water power station: a water power station working with fresh water → Trinkwasserkraftwerk
friction: a process where a regular movement is hindered → Reibung
fuel: a substance which can be burned in order to generated heat → Brennstoff
fuel cutoff in overrun: switching off the fuel supply of an engine when it is driven → Schubabschaltung
fuel assembly: an assembly of fuel rods for use in a nuclear reactor → Brennelement
fuel cell: an electrochemical device for power generation, using a fuel brought in from outside → Brennstoffzelle
fuel gas: a burnable gas → Brenngas
fuel injection: a method for supplying fuel to a combustion engine → Kraftstoffeinspritzung
fuel oil: a fuel based on mineral oil, used for heating purposes → Heizöl
fuel rod: a rod containing a nuclear fuel → Brennstab
fuel saving: reducing the amount of fuel consumption → Kraftstoff sparen
full load hours: a measure for the utilization of a power plant → Volllaststunden
full load operation: operation of a machine with full power → Volllastbetrieb
fungi in rooms: a microbial problem → Schimmel in Wohnräumen
gas condensate: a fraction of raw natural gas which can be liquid at room temperature and normal pressure → Gaskondensat
gas discharge lamp: a lamp in which an electrical gas discharge is utilized → Gasentladungslampe
gas expansion engine: an engine which is driven by a compressed gas (e.g. air) → Gasexpansionsmotor
gas-fired power station: a power station using natural gas → Gaskraftwerk
gas heating: a heating system using gas, normally natural gas → Gasheizung
gas motor: a combustion motor using a gas as fuel → Gasmotor
gas-powered heat pump: a heat pump which is operated using gas, e.g. natural gas → Gas-Wärmepumpe
gas turbine: a turbine which is driven with a hot gas → Gasturbine
gaseous fuel → Brenngas
gasoline: a liquid fuel, which is mostly used for gasoline engines → Benzin
generator: a machine which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy → Generator
geothermal energy: heat and electrical power extracted from the ground → Geothermie
gravity system: a circulation system for hot water without a pumping, exploiting natural convection → Schwerkraftsystem
green electricity: electrical energy which is generated in environmentally friendly ways → Ökostrom
green fuel: environmentally benign fuel, mostly fuel produced from biomass → Biokraftstoff
greenhouse effect: the rise of temperature in a greenhouse and on earth as a consequence of manipulation the radiation balance → Treibhauseffekt
grid parity: equality of cost of own power generation and getting power from the public grid → Netzparität
grid stability system: a system for maintaining the stability of an electricity grid under difficult circumstances → Netzstabilitätsanlage
grid voltage: the electrical voltage in an electricity grid → Netzspannung
grid voltage stabilization: the stabilization of the grid voltage → Spannungshaltung
grounding equipment conductor: a conductor which is used for safety grounding of electrical eqipment → Schutzleiter
half-time: the time after which an exponentially decaying quantity has been reduced by a factor of 2 → Halbwertszeit
halogen lamp: a special kind of incandenscent lamp with a halogen gas filling → Halogenlampe
halogen-metal vapour lamp: a gas discharge lamp containing a mixture of metal vapour and halogens → Halogen-Metalldampflampe
heat: thermal energy → Wärme
heat capacity: a measure for the capability of an object to store heat → Wärmekapazität
heat conduction: the transport of heat in a medium → Wärmeleitung
heat conductivity: the ability of a material to conduct heat → Wärmeleitfähigkeit
heat cost allocator: a device used for allocating cost for heating → Heizkostenverteiler
heat engine: a machine which can partly convert heat to power → Wärmekraftmaschine
heat exchanger: a device which can transfer heat from one medium to another → Wärmeübertrager
heat insulation: the minimization of heat losses or heat inflow → Wärmeschutz
heat loss from transmission: heat loss of a building due to heat transmission → Transmissionswärmeverlust
heat meter: a device for measuring delivered thermal energy → Wärmemengenzähler
heat pipe: a device which transports heats, using a medium which is repeatedly evaporated and condensed → Wärmerohr
heat pump: a device which can generate useful heat partially by extracting it from colder bodies → Wärmepumpe
heat pump system: a heating system based on a heat pump → Wärmepumpenheizung
heat radiation: electromagnetic radiation emitted by warm bodies → Wärmestrahlung
heat recovery: the recovery of heat for use → Wärmerückgewinnung
heat storage: a storage device for heat → Wärmespeicher, Pufferspeicher
heat transfer coefficient: a measure for the strength of heat transfer at a boundary → Wärmeübergangskoeffizient
heater: a device for heating a room → Heizkörper
heater blower: a powerful heater containing a burner and a powerful ventilator → Heizgebläse
heater exponent: a quantity describing the dependence of the heating power on the temperatur difference → Heizkörperexponent
heating cost: cost caused for the heating of a building → Heizkosten
heating electricity: electrical energy which is used for heating systems → Heizstrom
heating load: the required or applied heat power e.g. in building or a room → Heizlast
heating plant: a facility producing thermal heat → Heizwerk
heating system: a system used for heating a building → Heizungsanlage
heating value: the amount of heat which can be produced from some fuel when the water vapour in the exhaust gas is not condensed → Heizwert
heavy oil: a very viscous fuel from mineral oil → Schweröl
high voltage: voltages above 1 kV → Hochspannung
high-voltage direct current transmission: the transmission of high electrical powers using direct current with high voltages → Hochspannungs-Gleichstromübertragung
high-voltage transmission line: a line for transmitting electrical power at a high voltage level → Hochspannungsleitung
higher heating value: the amount of heat which can be produced from some fuel when the water vapour in the exhaust gas is condensed → Brennwert
house with surplus energy balance: a building where on average more energy is produced from renewable sources than is consumed → Plusenergiehaus
hot air heating: a heating system which works by supplying hot air → Warmluftheizung
hot water → Heißwasser, Warmwasser
hot water circulation system: a system of central hot water distribution → Warmwasser-Zirkulationssystem
hot water heat pump: a heat pump for providing hot water → Warmwasserwärmepumpe
hot water tank: a tank for storing hot water → Warmwasserspeicher
humidifier: a device which increases humidity of the air in a room → Luftbefeuchter
humidity: the moisture content of air e.g. in a room → Luftfeuchtigkeit
hybrid drive: a drive system of a vehicle which uses different energy carriers → Hybridantrieb
hybrid heat pump: a bivalent heat generator containing a heat pump, or a heat pump which can work as compression or absorption heat pump, or a heat pump which can utilize different heat sources → Hybridwärmepumpe
hydraulic balancing of a central heating system: a method for optimum adjustment of pressure differences and water flows in a central heating system → hydraulischer Abgleich von Zentralheizungsanlagen
hydraulic fracturing: a method for increasing the permeability of underground rock → Fracking
hydroelectric power: obtaining power (electricity) from the energy of water → Wasserkraft
hydroelectric power plant: a power plant using potential energy of water → Wasserkraftwerk
hydroelectric power plant with reservoir storage: a hydroelectric power plant with a water reservoir → Wasser-Speicherkraftwerk
hydrogen: a combustible gas, which can serve as energy carrier → Wasserstoff
hydrogen economy: an energy economy which largely relies on hydrogen as energy carrier → Wasserstoffwirtschaft
hydrogen storage: a storage system for hydrogen → Wasserstoffspeicher
ice storage: a latent heat storage device using water and water ice → Eisspeicher
ignitability: a measure for the tendency of a diesel fuel to self-ignite → Zündwilligkeit
illuminant: an equipment for generating light → Leuchtmittel
illuminating gas: a combustible gas, which is normally generated by gasification of coal → Stadtgas
illumination: providing light for rooms or objects → Beleuchtung
immersion heater: a device which can heat water when being immersed in it → Tauchsieder
immissions: the influence of pollutants or other disturbing substances or radiation → Emissionen und Immissionen
incandescent lamp: a simple lamp where the thermal emission of a hot filament is used → Glühlampe
incandescent lamp phase-out: the phase-out of incandescent lamps for lighting purposes → Glühlampenverbot
incremental cost: the cost for a small increase of production → Grenzkosten
inductive energy transmission: the transmission of electic energy with magnetic fields by induction → induktive Energieübertragung
inflammation point: the minimum temperature where spontaneous inflammation of a substance is possible → Zündtemperatur
infrared heating: heating systems which heat by emitting infrared radiation → Infrarotheizung
installed nameplate capacity: the nominal power of an electric power generation facility → installierte Leistung
insulated render: a render which improves the thermal insulation of a building → Wärmedämmputz
insulation: a method for reducing heat losses → Wärmedämmung
insulation material: a material used for reducing heat losses → Wärmedämmmaterial
insulation of roofs: means for reducing heat losses at roofs → Wärmedämmung von Dächern
integrated energy: the coupling of different energy sectors for exploiting various synergies → Sektorkopplung
interconnected grid: an electricity grid (or natural gas grid) which resulted from the interconnection of several networks → Verbundnetz
internal consumption: energy which is consumed within a power station, for example → Eigenverbrauch
interruptible load: a consumer of electrical energy which can be temporarily switched off by the local power company
interseasonal energy storage: a facility for storing energy over several months→ saisonaler Energiespeicher
inverter: a device for converting direct current to alternating current → Wechselrichter
island network → a small electric transmission network → Inselnetz
isotopes: nuclides with same proton number → Isotope
jet engine: an engine which provides propulsion by emitting a gas jet → Strahltriebwerk
jet fuel: a fuel based on mineral oil, which is mostly used in aviation → Kerosin
joule: the basic unit of energy → Joule
Kalina cycle: a method for operating steam turbines with low-temperature heat → Kalina-Kreisprozess
kilowatt hour: the amount of energy which is delivered for 1 kW power over one hour → Kilowattstunde
kelvin: a unit for the temperature → Kelvin
kinetic energy: energy related to the velocity of a mass → Bewegungsenergie
knock resistance: the ability of a fuel to resist uncontrolled ignition in a combustion motor
knocking in Otto engines: a consequence of uncontrolled burning in an engine → Klopfen beim Ottomotor
lambda sensor: a sensor for measuring the oxygen content of exhaust gases → Lambdasonde
landfill gas: combustible gas which is released from organic waste in landfills → Deponiegas
large power plant: a power station with a high power output of at least hundreds of megawatts → Großkraftwerk
latent heat: heat which is absorbed by or extracted from a body without changing its temperature → latente Wärme
latent heat storange: a storage device which stores latent heat → Latentwärmespeicher
laughing gas: a gas belonging to the nitrogen oxides → Lachgas
laws of thermodynamics: fundamental physical laws in thermodynamics → Hauptsätze der Thermodynamik
layer charge: the use of an inhomogeneous fuel-air mix in an engine → Schichtladung
lean-burn engine: an engine which works with a lean fuel-air mixture → Magermotor
light: a kind of electromagnetic radiation → Licht
light-emitting diode: a semiconductor device emitting light → Leuchtdiode
lighting: providing light for rooms or objects → Beleuchtung
liquefied natural gas: natural gas which has been converted to a fluid by strong cooling → Flüssigerdgas
load: a device drawing energy (power) from a system, or the corresponding power → Last
load following: the operation of a power plant with variable output power according to the needs in the electricity network → Lastfolgebetrieb
load following rate: the speed with which the output power of a power station can be changed → Leistungsänderungsgeschwindigkeit
load management: measures for adapting the consumption to the free generation capacities in an electricity network → Lastmanagement
load profile: the temporal profile of the power consumed by some facility → Lastprofil
load throw-off: switching off electric consumers in case of shortages → Lastabwurf
local heat: heat for e.g. heating purposes, which is delivered in small pipeline systems → Nahwärme
long-distance cooling: cooling, where a coolant is supplied via long pipelines → Fernkälte
long-distance heating: heating, where a heat-carrying fluid is supplied via long pipelines → Fernwärme
low caloric gas: a gas mixture with low caloric value → Schwachgas
lower heating value: the amount of heat which can be produced from some fuel when the water vapour in the exhaust gas is not condensed → Heizwert
low-temperature boiler: a boiler for heating purposes which can be operated at low temperatures → Niedertemperaturheizkessel
low-temperature heating: a heating system operating with relatively low temperatures → Niedertemperaturheizung
low voltage: voltages below 1 kV → Niederspannung
low voltage system: an electric network working with low voltage → Niederspannungsnetz
marginal cost: the cost for a small increase of production → Grenzkosten
marginal power plant: the power plant which determines the price at the electricity market based on the merit order principle → Grenzkraftwerk
masonry heater: an oven operated in a room → Kachelofen
mean effective pressure: a measure for the specific torque of an engine → effektiver Mitteldruck
mean voltage: voltages between 10 kV and 60 kV → Mittelspannung
measurement methods for fuel consumption and exhaust gases → Messverfahren für Kraftstoffverbrauch und Abgaswerte
mechanical energy: energy for doing mechanical work → mechanische Energie
megawatt hour: the energy which is turned over with a power of one megawatt within one hour → Megawattstunde
melting heat: heat required for melting a substance → Schmelzwärme und Erstarrungswärme
methanation: generatinon of methane from other gases, e.g. hydrogen → Methanisierung
methane: a combustible gas, main component of natural gas and biogas → Methan
methane clathrate: a compound of methane and water → Methanhydrat
methane leakage: the loss of methane to the atmosphere, e.g. in biogas plants and gas motors → Methanschlupf
methane pyrolysis: the splitting of methane into hydrogen and carbon → Methanpyrolyse
methanol: an alcohol which can serve as an energy carrier → Methanol
mid-load: the part of the load in an electricity network which fluctuates in a predictable way → Mittellast
mineral oil: a liquid consisting mainly of carbon hydrates from fossil sources → Erdöl
minimum generation: the minimum possible power output of a facility or a pool of power stations → Mindesterzeugung
mixed oxide fuel element: a nuclear fuel element containing plutonium → Mischoxidbrennelement
modulating burner: a burner with variable thermal power → modulierender Brenner
mono-incineration: the incineration without adding additional fuel → Monoverbrennung
motor: a machine producing mechanical energy → Motor
near-surface geothermal energy: geothermal energy from moderate depths → oberflächennahe Geothermie
network charges: charges covering the cost of building, maintaining and operating electricity or natural gas networks → Netznutzungsentgelt
neutral conductor: a conductor for electricity transmission with a potential near ground potential → Neutralleiter
Newton: the basic unit for forces → Newton
night setback: the reduction of temperature in heated rooms over night → Nachtabsenkung
nighttime-produced electricity: electrical energy produced during the night → Nachtstrom
nominal power: a power consumption or generation value given by a manufacaturer → Nennleistung
nuclear energy: energy which is obtained from nuclear reactions → Kernenergie
nuclear fission: a nuclear process where atomic nuclei are fractured → Kernspaltung
nuclear fuel: a material which can deliver energy by nuclear processes → Kernbrennstoff
nuclear fuel reprocessing: the separation of various substances in used nuclear fuel in order to recycle them → Wiederaufarbeitung
nuclear fuel tax: a tax on nuclear fuels → Kernbrennstoffsteuer
nuclear fusion: a nuclear process where atomic nuclei are fusing → Kernfusion
nuclear power plant: a power plant based on a nuclear reactor → Kernkraftwerk
natural gas: a combustible gas of fossil origin → Erdgas
natural gas vehicle: a vehicle with a natural gas engine → Erdgasfahrzeug
naturally aspirated engine: an engine where the air required for the combustion is not externally compressed → Saugmotor
nitrogen oxides: chemical compounds of nitrogen with oxygen → Stickoxide
nitrous oxide: a gas belonging to the nitrogen oxides → Lachgas
nominal voltage: a voltage value used for characterizing the type of a network or device → Nennspannung
NOx storage catalytic converter: a catalytic converter for removing nitrogen oxides from diesel exhaust gases → Speicherkatalysator
nuclear phaseout: abandoning nuclear power generation → Atomausstieg
nuclear power: energy from nuclear process → Kernenergie
nuclide: a kind of atomic nucleus → Nuklid
off-peak electricity: electrical energy produced at times with low load, e.g. during the night → Nachtstrom
oil equivalent: a measure for the energy content of fuels → Öläquivalent
oil heating: a heating system operated with oil → Ölheizung
oil power station: a power plant operated with oil fuel (often heavy oil) → Ölkraftwerk
oil refinery: a technical facility for producing oil products from crude oil → Erdölraffinerie
oil sand: a sand containing hydrocarbons, which can be used for oil extraction → Ölsand
one-floor heating system: a heating system for only a single floor of a building → Etagenheizung
operating resource (in electrical technology): an object which is used for generating, transporting, storing or applying electrical energy → Betriebsmittel
organic Rankine cycle: a method for operating steam turbines or motors with heat on relatively low temperatur levels → Organic Rankine Cycle
osmotic power station: a power station which exploits concentration differences of salt between fresh water and ocean water → Osmosekraftwerk
Otto engine: a combustion engine with homogeneous fuel-air mixture and external ignition → Ottomotor
outdoor-air intake: an opening e.g. in a wall for letting in fresh air → Außenluftdurchlass
overhead heating: a heating system installed in the ceiling of a room → Deckenheizung
oxygen index: a measure for the tendency of a material to burn → Sauerstoffindex
oxygen sensor: a sensor for measuring the oxygen content of exhaust gases → Lambdasonde
ozone: a chemically aggressive gas → Ozon
panel heating: a heating system where large panels e.g. in walls are heated → Wandheizung, Flächenheizung
partial load operation: operation of a machine with reduced load → Teillastbetrieb
particulate filter: a filter for removing particulates from diesel exhaust gases → Rußpartikelfilter
particulate matter: dust consisting of very small particles → Feinstaub
passive house: a building which normally keeps warm without using a regular heating system → Passivhaus
peak demand boiler: a boiler for covering peak demand → Spitzenlastkessel
peak load = peak demand: the maximum power load → Spitzenlast
pellet heating: a heating system using wood pellets → Pelletheizung
Peltier element: a thermoelectric device, which can cool and heat when supplied with electrical power → Peltier-Element
PEN conductor: a conductor which is used as both neutral conductor and grounding conductor → PEN-Leiter
perpetual motion machine: a machine which can move forever without energy input → Perpetuum Mobile
petrol: a liquid fuel, which is mostly used for gasoline engines → Benzin
petroleum tax: a tax on mineral oil products → Mineralölsteuer
phase: a conductor carrying a substantial voltage against ground → Phase
phase-controlled modulation: a technique for modulating the power of electrical devices → Phasenanschnittsteuerung
photovoltaic-thermal solar collector: a soloar collector producing electricity and heat → photovoltaisch-thermischer Solarkollektor
photovoltaics: a technology for directly producing electrical energy from sunlight → Photovoltaik
pilot fuel engine: a dual-fuel self-igniting engine like a diesel engine, where the ignition is achieved by injection of a special ignition oil → Zündstrahlmotor
pipe heater: an electric heater for a pipe → Rohrbegleitheizung
piston engine: an engine with one or more pistons as core elements → Hubkolbenmotor
plug-in solar panel: a small solar panel which directly connected to the local grid with a normal plug → Solarmodul für die Steckdose
plug socket: a part for accepting an electrical plug (male connector) → Steckdose
plutonium: a radioactive element which is generated and used in nuclear power plants → Plutonium
pneumatic motor: an engine which is driven by a compressed air → Gasexpansionsmotor
polyphase current: an alternating current which oscillates with time lags in different cables → Drehstrom
porous burner: a kind of gas burner which operates without an open flame → Porenbrenner
potential energy: energy which depends on the location of a body in a field or which is stored e.g. via mechanical deformation or compression → potenzielle Energie
power: the energy produced, transmitted or consumed per unit time → Leistung
power and heat ratio: ratio of power and heat generation in a co-generation power plant → Stromkennzahl
power company: a company supplying electrical energy: Energieversorgungsunternehmen
power converter: a device which can convert a form of electrical energy into another form → Stromrichter
power density: power per unit area → Leistungsdichte
power efficiency factor: the fraction of input energy which is obtained in the desired form → Wirkungsgrad
power factor: the ratio of real power and apparent power → Leistungsfaktor
power failure: an interruption of the supply of electrical energy → Stromausfall
power frequency: the frequency of the voltage oscillation in a power network → Netzfrequenz
power generation: the generation of energy (power) in a particular form → Energieerzeugung
power loss: lost usable energy per unit time → Verlustleistung
power rating: a power consumption or generation value given by a manufacaturer → Nennleistung
power station, power plant: a facility for generating electrical power → Kraftwerk
power supply: a device for delivering electrical power at the required voltage level → Netzteil
power to ammonia: the production of ammonia with electric energy → Power to Ammonia
power to gas: the use of electricity for producing combustible gases, and its application for energy storage → Power to Gas
power to heat: the use of electrical excess energy for heat generation → Power to Heat
power to liquid: the generation of liquid substances with electrical energy → Power to Liquid
power to gas: the generation of gas, liquids, chemical or heat from electrical energyy → Power to X
pressure: force per unit area → Druck
pressurized reactor: a nuclear light water reactor operated under high pressure → Kernreaktor
primary energy: energy content of natural sources → Primärenergie
primary energy factor: a factor for weighting different energy sources → Primärenergiefaktor
primary energy supplier: the energy supplier which has most customers at a certain place → Grundversorger
process gas: gas used for some process e.g. in an engine → Arbeitsgas
process heat: heat used in a process → Prozesswärme
propane: a carbon hydrate gas → Propan
propellant: a substance used for operating a turbine or a rocket engine → Treibstoff
protective conductor: a conductor which is used for safety grounding of electrical eqipment → Schutzleiter
protective earth neutral (PEN conductor): a conductor which is used as both neutral conductor and grounding conductor → PEN-Leiter
pump: a machine for moving liquids → Pumpe
pumped storage hydro power station: a hydroelectric power station where the water reservoir can be replenished by pumping, using excess energy at low-load times → Pumpspeicherkraftwerk
radiant heater: a heater device which mostly works by emitting thermal radiation → Heizstrahler
radiation: highly energetic particles or light quanta → Strahlung
radiation efficiency: the fraction of heating power which is delivered in the form of infrared radiation → Strahlungswirkungsgrad
radioactive waste: waste materials containing radioactive substances → radioaktiver Abfall
radioactivity: the phenomenon that certain atomic nuclei decay while emitting radiation → Radioaktivität
radioisotope thermoelectric generator: a device generating electrical energy from heat, which is generated in a highly radioactive material → Radionuklidbatterie
radionuclide: a radiative nuclide → Radionuklid
range extender: a device for expanding the range of an electric vehicle → Reichweitenverlängerer
rate of utilization: the fraction of energy which can be used → Nutzungsgrad
rated voltage: a maximum voltage allowed during long-term operation of a device → Bemessungsspannung
rated power: a power consumption or generation value given by a manufacaturer → Nennleistung
raw emissions: emissions in exhaust gases before an exhaust gas treatment → Rohemissionen
reactance coil: an inductor coil, used in certain electrical circuits → Drosselspule
reactive current: an alternating current which does not transport real power → Blindstrom
reactive energy: temporally integrated reactive power → Blindarbeit
reactive power: power which oscillates back and forth in a power line → Blindleistung
reactive power compensation: the compensation of reactive power, e.g. using capacitors → Blindleistungskompensation
reactor safety: the safety of the operation of nuclear reactors → Reaktorsicherheit
real power: the power transmitted by an alternating current, averaged over one oscillation period → Wirkleistung
rebound effect: the partial loss of the effect of energy-saving activities → Rebound-Effekt
rechargeable battery: a battery storing energy which can be replenished by charging → Akkumulator
recharger: a device for recharging accumulators → Ladegerät
reciprocating piston engine: an engine with one or more pistons as core elements → Hubkolbenmotor
rectifier: a device which can convert alternating current to direct current → Gleichrichter
recuperation: the utilization of otherwise unused energy → Rekuperation
redispatch: a modification of the planned use of power station in order to avoid overloads → Redispatch
redox flow battery: an electrochemical energy storage device similar to a fuel cell → Redox-Flow-Batterie
rejected heat: heat which can not be used → Abwärme
refrigerating capacity: the amount of heat per unit time which can be removed by a cooling device → Kälteleistung
refrigerating machine: a machine for cooling → Kältemaschine
refrigerator: a device for cooling food or other things → Kühlschrank
regenerative burner: a burner with recuperation of heat from exhaust gas based on a regenerator → regenerativer Brenner
regenerator: a heat storage devices used as a heat exchanger in discontinuous operation → Regenerator
renewable energy: energy from renewable sources → erneuerbare Energie
renewable energy act: a law which regulates the promotion of renewable energy sources → Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz
renewable natural gas: processed biogas according to natural gas quality standards → Biomethan
renewal of a heating system → Heizungserneuerung
repowering: the substitution of old power plants by newer ones, particularly in the domain of wind power → Repowering
reprocessing of nuclear fuel: the separation of various substances in used nuclear fuel in order to recycle them → Wiederaufarbeitung
reservoir power station: a power station having a significant energy storage → Speicherkraftwerk
residual load: the difference between required power and power from non controllable power stations → Residuallast
rich mixture at full load: the use of an excess of fuel at full load of an engine → Volllastanreicherung
rich oil = heavy oil: a very viscous fuel from mineral oil → Schweröl
ripple control: remote control of electricity consuming devices and electricity meters → Rundsteuertechnik
river power plant: a hydroelectric power plant using water of a river → Laufwasserkraftwerk
roling drag: a resistance force occuring e.g. when car wheels roll on the road → Rollwiderstand
room air conditioner: an air conditioning device for a single room → Raumklimagerät, Kompakt-Raumklimagerät
rotary current: an alternating current which oscillates with time lags in different cables → Drehstrom
rotary transformer: a device which can convert electrical energy from one form to another → Umformer
running-water power station: a hydroelectric power plant using water of a river → Laufwasserkraftwerk
sector coupling: the coupling of different energy sectors for exploiting various synergies → Sektorkopplung
secundary energy: energy in artificially made or heavily processed energy carriers → Sekundärenergie
secured generation capacity: the capacity of power stations which is always surely available → gesicherte Kraftwerksleistung
security of energy supply: the security of having sufficient quantities of energy → Versorgungssicherheit
selective catalytic reduction: a method for removing nitrogen oxides from exhaust gases → SCR-Katalysator
sewer gas: a combustible gas, which is obtained in digestion towers for waste water treatment → Klärgas
shale gas: natural gas contained in shales, which can be extracted only with unconventional methods → Schiefergas
smart grid: an distribution system for electrical energy with built-in "intelligence" (communication) → intelligentes Stromnetz
smoke stack: a high-temperature resistant facility for guiding exhaust gases → Schornstein
solar air collector: a solar collector where air is used to transport the generated heat → Luftkollektor
solar cell: an optoelectronic (photovoltaic) device which directly converts solar radiation energy to electrical energy → Solarzelle
solar central heating support: a solar system supporting a conventional heating system → solare Heizungsunterstützung
solar collector: a device for generating hot water with solar radiation → Sonnenkollektor
solar energy: energy from solar radiation → Solarenergie
solar energy storage: a hot water tank for storing heat from thermal solar panels, or a battery system for storing electricity from photovoltaics → Solarspeicher, Solarstromspeicher
solar gains: gains of energy of a building due to solar radiation → solare Gewinne
solar heat: heat from solar energy → Solarthermie
solar/heat pump system: a system for heat generation which combines solar collectors and a heat pump → Solar-Wärmepumpen-System
solar heating system: a heating system using solar energy → Solarheizung, Solaranlage
solar hot water generation: heating of water using solar energy → solare Warmwasserbereitung
solar inverter: an inverter which is specifically made for photovoltaics → Solarwechselrichter
solar module: a module containing solar cells (photovoltaics) → Solarmodul
solar panel: a device for generating hot water with solar radiation → Sonnenkollektor
solar power plant: a power plant utilizing solar energy → Solarkraftwerk, solarthermisches Kraftwerk
solid fuel: a fuel in solid form → Festbrennstoff
solidification heat: heat which is released when a liquid is solidified → Schmelzwärme und Erstarrungswärme
soot: a black power-like material consisting mainly of carbon → Ruß
speed limit: a limitation of the allowed driving speed → Tempolimit
split air conditioner: an air conditioning device consisting of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit → Split-Klimagerät
split heat pump: a heat pump consisting of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit → Split-Wärmepumpe
standby loss: an energy loss occurring during stand-by of a device → Standby-Verbrauch, Bereitschaftsverluste
star connection: a way of connecting equipment to a three-phase current system → Sternschaltung
start-stop system: automatic switching off of the engine of a car → Start-Stopp-Automatik
starter-generator unit: a unit in a vehicle which acts as the starter motor and the generator → Startergenerator
starting current: the initial current flow when a device is turned on → Einschaltstrom
steam engine: a heat engine working with water vapour → Dampfmaschine
steam reforming: the generation of hydrogen from a carbon-containing fuel and water vapour in a chemical process → Dampfreformierung
steam turbine: a turbine which is driven by steam → Dampfturbine
Stirling engine: a heat engine using a working gas in an enclosed room → Stirlingmotor
storage for electrical energy → Speicher für elektrische Energie
storage power station: a power station having a significant energy storage → Speicherkraftwerk
stratified heat storage: heat storage in a water tank where one exploits the natural stratification → Schichtladespeicher
stratified charge: the use of an inhomogeneous fuel-air mix in an engine → Schichtladung
steam generator: a device or facility for generating steam → Dampfkessel, Dampferzeuger
stoichiometric combustion: a combustion where the supplied amount of oxygen ist just sufficient for complete combustion → stöchiometrische Verbrennung
substation: an installation for transferring power from a medium voltage to a low voltage network → Transformatorenstation
substitution → Substitution
sufficiency → Suffizienz
sulfur dioxide: a poisonous gas, which is often contained in exhaust gases → Schwefeldioxid
sun protection: facilities and measures for protection against excessive solar radiation and its heating effects → Sonnenschutz
supergrid: a particularly powerful electricity grid for long-distance transport → Supergrid
surrogate fuel: a fuel from wastes which can replace other fuels → Ersatzbrennstoff
sustainability: the principle that economic activities should be formed such that they do not destroy their ecological basis → Nachhaltigkeit
switching power supply: a power supply where fast switching elements play a central role → Schaltnetzteil
synthetic fuel: a fuel produced via chemical processing → Synthesekraftstoff
synthetic natural gas: a gas similar to natural gas which is artificially produced → synthetisches Erdgas
synthesis gas: a gas containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide which can be used for chemical synthesis processes → Synthesegas
system operator: the operator of an electricity or gas network → Netzbetreiber
temperature: a measure for the ability to give away heat → Temperatur
temperature spread: a temperature difference, often in the context with a heat transport system → Temperaturspreizung
theorems of thermodynamics: fundamental physical laws in thermodynamics → Hauptsätze der Thermodynamik
thermal bridge: a structure e.g. in a wall which causes increased heat losses → Wärmebrücke
thermal capacity: a measure for the capability of an object to store heat → Wärmekapazität
thermal component activation: the additional utilization of components of a building for heating or cooling → thermische Bauteilaktivierung
thermal conduction: the transport of heat in a medium → Wärmeleitung
thermal conductivity: the ability of a material to conduct heat → Wärmeleitfähigkeit
thermal engine: a machine which can partly convert heat to power → Wärmekraftmaschine
thermal heat: heat used for heating a building → Heizwärme
thermal imaging: a method for spatially resolved temperature measurements → Thermografie
thermal insulation: a method for reducing heat losses → Wärmedämmung
thermal insulation composite system: a system used for thermal insulation outside building walls → Wärmedämmverbundsystem
thermal insulation material: a material used for reducing heat losses → Wärmedämmmaterial
thermal power consumption: the consumption of heat for heating purposes → Heizwärmebedarf
thermal power plant: a power plant which generates electrical power from heat → Wärmekraftwerk
thermal radiation: electromagnetic radiation emitted by warm bodies → Wärmestrahlung
thermal resistance: a measure for the resistance against heat flows → Wärmewiderstand
thermal storage: storage of heat → Wärmespeicher
thermodynamically optimized heating: a concept for heating buildings where the energy consumption is minimized using thermodynamic principles → thermodynamisch optimiertes Heizen
thermodynamics: an area of classical physics dealing with heat and mechanical energy → Thermodynamik
thermoelectric generator: a device generating electricity directly from heat, exploiting the Seebeck effect → thermoelektrischer Generator
thermography: a method for spatially resolved temperature measurements → Thermografie
thermosiphon: a solar power installation without pump, using natural circulation → Thermosiphonanlage
thermostat: a device for automatic temperature control → Thermostat
three-phase current: an alternating current which oscillates with time lags in different cables → Drehstrom
three-way catalytic converter: a calalyser which can remove three different kinds of pollutants from exhaust gases → Drei-Wege-Katalysator
three-wire system: an electric transmission system using three active conductors → Dreileiter- und Vierleiternetz
throttling loss: energy losses which occur when a flow of a liquid or gas is throttled → Drosselverluste
thrust: the force generated by a rocket or jet engine → Schub
tight gas: natural gas in reservoirs with low permeability → Tight Gas
TN system: a kind of low voltage distribution system → TN-System
torque: force times length of lever arm → Drehmoment
towel warmer: a device for drying and warming towels → Handtuchtrockner
traction power: power used for electric railways → Bahnstrom
transformer: an electrical device which can transform alternating currents to different voltage levels → Transformator
transmission grid: a system of transmission lines for long-distance power transport → Übertragungsnetz
transmission network operator: a company operating an electricity or natural gas transmission grid → Übertragungsnetzbetreiber
transmutation: the conversion of chemical elements into other elements, e.g. in order to reduce the hazards from radioactive nuclear waste → Transmutation
transparent insulation: an insulation which can transmit light → transparente Wärmedämmung
tumble dryer: a device which can dry clothes → Wäschetrockner
turbo generator: the combination of a turbine with an electric generator → Turbogenerator
turbocharging: a method for increasing the power or efficiency of combustion engines → Turboaufladung
two-stroke engine: an internal combustion engine with two strokes per power cycle → Zweitaktmotor
unbalanced load: an asymmetric (uneven) load in a polyphase current system → Schieflast
unburnt hydrocarbons: hydrocarbons in exhaust gases → unverbrannte Kohlenwasserstoffe
underground cable: a cable which is placed underground → Erdkabel
upper heating value: the amount of heat which can be produced from some fuel when the water vapour in the exhaust gas is condensed → Brennwert
uranium: a chemical element which is mainly used for generating nuclear power → Uran
uranium enrichment: the production of uranium with an increased content of fissionable uranium 235 → Urananreicherung
useful area in a building: the floor space in a building which can be used → Gebäudenutzfläche und Energiebezugsfläche
useful energy: energy which can be used → Nutzenergie
useful power: the amount of power which can be used → Nutzleistung
utilisation: the fraction of energy which can be used → Nutzungsgrad
vacuum insulation panel: an insulating panel based on the principle of vacuum insulation → Vakuumdämmplatte
valves in a reciprocating piston engine: devices for controlling the supply and removal of gases in a piston engine → Ventile beim Hubkolbenmotor
vapour barrier: a barrier for reducing the diffusion of water vapour → Dampfsperre
ventilation: means for providing fresh air to rooms → Belüftung von Gebäuden
ventilation loss: energy losses arising from ventilation of a building → Lüftungsverluste
ventilation system: a system used for ventilation of a building or room → Lüftungsanlage
ventilator: a device for moving air against a low pressure → Ventilator
vertical closed loop: a vertical pair of pipes in the ground, used in conjunction with a heat pump to extract heat from the ground → Erdwärmesonde
vertical network load: the sum of all power flows from the transmission grid to the lower grid levels or to directly connected consumers → vertikale Netzlast
virtual power plant: a combination of decentralized power plants which are centrally controlled → virtuelles Kraftwerk
volt: unit of the electrical voltage → Volt
voltage: the electric energy per unit charge → elektrische Spannung
voltage drop: a voltage caused by a current in some impedance → Spannungsabfall
voltage level: a certain range of effective voltage of an electric network → Spannungsebene
voltampere: unit of the apparent power → Voltampere
volumetric efficiency: the ratio of incorporated gas mass to the theoretically possible mass → Liefergrad
warm air heating: a heating system which works by supplying warm air → Warmluftheizung
washing machine: a machine which can wash clothes → Waschmaschine
waste heat: heat which can not be used → Abwärme
water boiler: a small device for boiling water → Wasserkocher
water injection: the injection of water into engines → Wassereinspritzung
water-to-water heat pump: a heat pump which draws heat from water (often ground water) → Wasser/Wasser-Wärmepumpe
water vapour: water in the gaseous state → Wasserdampf
watt: the unit of power → Watt
watt hour: a unit of energy → Wattstunde
weight-to-power ratio: the ratio of weight and power of an engine → Leistungsgewicht
wind energy converter: a facility for gaining power from wind energy → Windenergieanlage
wind park: a group of wind energy converters → Windpark
wind power: energy from wind → Windenergie
window: a transparent opening of a building → Fenster
window ventilation: ventilation via windows → Fensterlüftung
wood → Holz
wood pellets: small pellets made from wood pieces, mostly used for heating purposes → Holzpellets
woodchips: small chips made by cutting wood → Holzhackschnitzel
work: mechanical or electrical energy delivered in a process → Arbeit
working gas: usable gas in a gas storage facility → Arbeitsgas
Y connection: a way of connecting equipment to a three-phase current system → Sternschaltung
AC = alternating current → Wechselstrom
AGR = advanced gas reactor → fortgeschrittener gasgekühlter Reaktor → Kernreaktor
BEV = battery-electric vehicle → batteriebetriebenes Elektroauto
BtL = biomass to liquid → Biokraftstoff
BWR = boiling water reactor → Siedewasserreaktor → Kernreaktor
CAES = Compressed Air Energy Storage → Druckluftspeicherkraftwerk
CCGT = combined cycle gas turbine → Gas-und-Dampf-Kombikraftwerk
CCS = carbon dioxide capture and storage → CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung
CDM = clean development mechanism → Maßnahme im Rahmen des Emissionshandels
CH4 = methane → Methan
CHP = combined heat and power → Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
CNG = compressed natural gas → komprimiertes Erdgas
CO = carbon monoxide → Kohlenmonoxid
CO2 = carbon dioxide → Kohlendioxid
CO2-eq = carbon dioxide equivalent→ Treibhauseffekt
COGEN = co-generation → Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
COP = coefficient of performance → Leistungszahl einer Wärmepumpe
CtL = coal to liquids → Kohleverflüssigung
DC = direct current → Gleichstrom
DME = dimethyl ether → ein Biokraftstoff
DSM = demand side management → Lastmanagement
EOR = enhanced oil recovery → ergiebigere Förderung von Erdöl
EPR = European pressurized reactor → europäischer Druckwasserreaktor → Kernreaktor
EV = electric vehicle → Elektroauto
FC = fuel cell → Brennstoffzelle
FCV = fuel cell vehicle → Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug
FIT = feed-in tariff → Einspeisevergütung
F-T = Fischer-Tropsch → Verfahren für die Kohleverflüssigung
FTL = Fischer-Tropsch liquids → Produkte der Kohleverflüssigung
GJ = gigajoule → Gigajoule
GtL = gas to liquids → Erdgasverflüssigung
GW = gigawatt → Gigawatt
GWh = gigawatt hour → Gigawattstunde
GWP = global warming potential → Treibhauseffekt-Potenzial
H2 = hydrogen → Wasserstoff
HDR = hot dry rock → Verfahren für die Nutzung tiefer Geothermie
HEU = highly enriched uranium → hoch angereichertes Uran
HEV = hybrid-electric vehicle → Fahrzeug mit Hybridantrieb
HFC = hydrogen fuel cell = Brennstoffzelle für Wasserstoff
HFO = heavy fuel oil → Schweröl
HHV = higher heating value → Brennwert
HLW = high-level waste → hochradioaktiver Abfall
HVDC = high voltage direct current → Hochspannungs-Gleichstromübertragung
HWR = heavy-water reactor → Schwerwasserreaktor → Kernreaktor
ICE = internal combustion engine → Verbrennungsmotor mit innerer Verbrennung
ILUC = indirect land-use change → indirekte Landnutzungsänderung → Biomasse
IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change → Klimagefahren, Klimaschutz
LCA = life cycle assessment → Ermittlung u. a. von grauer Energie
LED = light-emitting diode → Leuchtdiode
LHV = lower heating value → Heizwert
LNG = liquefied natural gas → verflüssigtes Erdgas = Flüssigerdgas
LPG = liquefied petroleum gases → Flüssiggas
kJ = kilojoule → Kilojoule
kW = kilowatt → Kilowatt
kWh = kilowatt hour → Kilowattstunde
LWR = light water reactor → Leichtwasserreaktor → Kernreaktor
MHP = micro-hydro plants → sehr kleine Wasserkraftanlagen
MDO = marine diesel oil → Schweröl, Dieselkraftstoff
MJ = megajoule → Megajoule
MOX = mixed oxide → Mischoxidbrennelemente
MW = megawatt → Megawatt
MWh = megawatt hour → Megawattstunde
N2O = nitruos oxide → Distickstoffoxid = Lachgas → Stickoxide
NGL = natural gas liquids → Gaskondensate
NO = nitric oxide = nitrogen monoxide → Stickstoffmonoxid → Stickoxide
NO2 = nitrogen dioxide → Stickstoffdioxid → Stickoxide
NPP = nuclear power plant → Kernkraftwerk
OLED = organic light-emitting diode → organische Leuchtdiode
OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries → Organisation Erdöl-exportierender Staaten
PCM = phase change material → ein Material für Latentwärmespeicher
PHEV = plug-in hybrid electric vehicle → Fahrzeug mit Hybridantrieb für Nachladung am Stromnetz
PNG = piped natural gas → in Pipelines transportiertes Erdgas
PV = photovoltaics → Photovoltaik
PWR = pressurized water reactor → Druckwasserreaktor → Kernreaktor
RAR = reasonably assured resources → Ressourcen z. B. von Erdöl
RECS = Renewable Energy Certificate System → Zertifikatesystem für Ökostrom
RES = renewable energy sources → Quellen erneuerbarer Energie
SCR = selective catalytic reduction → SCR-Katalysator
SHP = small hydropower → Wasserkraft aus kleinen Anlagen
SNG = synthetic natural gas → synthetisches Erdgas
SOFC = solid oxide fuel cell → Festoxid-Brennstoffzelle
STE = solar thermal electricity → elektrische Energie aus solarthermischen Kraftwerken
TJ = terajoule → Terajoule
TW = terawatt → Terawatt
TWh = terawatt hour → Terawattstunde
U = uranium → Uran
U3O8 = uranium oxide → Uranoxid
V = Volt → Volt
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